Experience and personnel

DEKRA Industrial has large experience of Inspection services in both nuclear and conventional power generation industries. The personnel has up to 35 years experience.

DEKRA Industrial NDT personnel has been successfully trained and certified with accordance PNAEG (Russian standards and norms of nuclear power engineering), PB 03-440-02 (rules of operation pressure vessel). NDT personal has been certified accordance standards EN ISO 9712 and EN ISO 9712/Nordtest (Sweden) in the following NDT methods:

  • ultrasonic testing (UT);
  • eddy current testing (ET);
  • visual testing (VT);
  • radiography (RT);
  • penetrant testing (PT);
  • magnetic particle testing (MT);
  • leak testing (LT).

DEKRA Industrial personnel performing material investigation and destructive testing were trained and certified in leading Russian Material science centers CNII KM “Prometey” (St. Petersburg) and CNIITMASh (Moscow).

DEKRA Industrial has long experience in providing material investigation services by means:

  • of Mechanical tests (tensile tests (normal and elevated temperature), Charpy impact tests, Static bending tests, Flattening tests, Hardness tests);
  • Metallography (Micro and Macro structure) destructive and non-destructive methods, Resistance to Inter-granular corrosion in stainless steel, Delta ferrite content in austenitic weld material;
  • Chemical content definition in Fe, Ni, Cu allow (Spectrum analysis).